We serve blue tea during our afternoon teas. You may be wondering what it is and why it is so good for you. Blue tea is made from the Butterfly Pea flower and according to our friends at Green Blender contains so many health benefits.

“Used for centuries in Southeast Asia as a caffeine-free herbal beverage (as well as a plant-based food and clothing dye), Butterly Pea Flower tea (made from the Clitoria ternatea plant) is starting to hit American shelves — and people just can’t get enough!

Made from a combination of dried blue pea flowers and lemongrass, the reason Butterfly Pea Flower tea is making such a splash is because it has some pretty mesmerizing qualities.

Once water is added to the tea, the deep blue liquid changes color based on the pH level of whatever is added next. Squeeze in some lemon or add in a bit of citrus juice, and the blue changes to purple. Its mood ring-like qualities have made Butterfly Pea Flower tea a hit with anyone who enjoys a little whimsy in their life.”

Read More over at Green Blender website.